Torque Converter

Convert twisting force / Torque Units Instantly

What Is Torque?

Torque is the amount of force applied to an object that helps it rotate. Torque is calculated by multiplying Force (F) with Distance (r).

Torque Converter

Torque(τ) = Distance(r) X Force(F)


Standard measuring unit of Torque is newton meter (N m). Besides Newton-meter (N•m), Torque is also calculated in Dyne centimeter(dy cm), Kgrf meter(kgf m), Lbf foot(lbf ft), and Lbf inch(lbf in).

With this free online Torque unit or twisting force converter tool you can easily convert units between Newton-meter (N•m), Dyne centimeter(dy cm), Kgrf meter(kgf m), Lbf foot(lbf ft), and Lbf inch(lbf in).

How to Convert Torque Units?

Converting Torque units with this online tool is very easy. You just have to place the value in the Value field. The select the unit of the value which you want to converted from. Then click on the Convert button. It will convert you unit to all other units instantly.

Complete List Of Torque Units For Conversion

  • 1 Newton Meter (N m) = 10000000 Dyne Centimeter (dy cm)
  • 1 Newton Meter (N m) = 0.10197162129779 Kgrf Meter (kgf m)
  • 1 Newton Meter (N m) = 0.73756212116966 Lbf Foot (lbf ft)
  • 1 Newton Meter (N m) = 8.8507480652265 Lbf Inch (lbf in)
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